St. John’s Lodge No.167

History - to 1950’s

 The History of St. John's Lodge no.167

Except for the period March 1809 to September1816, the records of St. John’s Lodge are complete for over 230 years and provide a fascinating field of exploration for the Masonic historian. A history of the lodge up to 1935 was prepared by the late W.Bro.E.Eyles, L.G.R., who devoted much of his time to Masonic research and who was the author of many papers on widely differing aspects of the craft. Unfortunately the book has long been out of print, but copies are available for review at Freemasons Hall within the Library.

Before paying close attention to the part played by this Lodge in carrying on Masonic knowledge in Hampstead, it may be desirable to give a general survey of Masonic conditions in England in the early part of the Eighteenth century.

On the 24th June – St. John’s day – 1717, four old Lodges met in consultation at the Goose and Gridiron, St. Paul’s Churchyard. These Lodges were the “Lodge of Antiquity” – now No.2 – whose meeting place was the Goose and Gridiron; the “Royal Somerset House and Inverness Lodge” – now No.4 – which met at the Rummer and Grapes, Channel Row, Westminster, and was later known as “The Old Horn Lodge”; “Fortitude and Old Cumberland Lodge” – now No.12 – which met at the Apple Tree, Charles Street, Covent Garden; and “The Crown Lodge”, which  met at the Crown Tavern, Parkers Lane, Drury Lane – the site of the present “Kingsway Tavern”.

At the consultation referred to – “the first Grand Lodge Communication” - a Grand Lodge was formed, Anthony Sayer, Gentleman, of the Fortitude and Old Cumberland Lodge being installed as Grand Master, Jacob Lamball, Carpenter, as Grand Senior Warden, and Joseph Elliott, Stonecutter, as Grand Junior Warden. Claiming “time immemorial” rights, this Grand Lodge invited all existing Lodges to come under their jurisdiction.

Within the next few years, many noblemen and gentlemen joined “The Ancient Fraternity of Accepted Masons”, and a “list of the Regularly Constituted Lodges” placed in November 1723, at the beginning of the First Grand Lodge minute book contains 52 Lodges, all but 3 being London Lodges. The “Old Charges” were formerly the title to a Lodge’s privileges and even existence, but the Grand Lodge at its quarterly communication on September 29th 1721 stated: Finding fault with all the copies of the old “Gothic Constitutions” ordered Bro. James Anderson, A.M., to digest the same in a new and better method. Dr. Anderson brought forward his proposals which, after discussion and amendment, were approved by Grand Lodge and published in 1723 as “The Book of Constitutions” and a second edition “with several additions and amendments” was published in 1739.

The claim of this Grand Lodge formed in London as just stated, was not universally acknowledged and in December 1725 the old “Time Immemorial” Lodge – which was in full vigour in 1705 – at York formed itself into a Grand Lodge under the title of the “Grand Lodge of All England”. The move was partially successful, and it collapsed in 1792 having “Warranted” only eleven Lodges during its life of sixty-seven years.

By 1740, the Grand Lodge of England had enrolled under its banner 125 London Lodges and 45 Provincial Lodges, but during the next ten years or so – particularly under Lord Byron’s Mastership (1747-51) some sixty Lodges were erased from the Roll for “irregularities”. Eventually, certain brethren complaining that the Grand Lodge of England had modernized the Ancient Constitution, formed a committee in 1751, and this, two years later took the style of “The Grand Lodge of England according to the Old Constitutions” or, more shortly “The grand Lodge of the Antients” – at the same time dubbing the original Grand Lodge – “The Moderns”.

Considerable competition between these two London Grand Lodges grew up, and led to an increased activity throughout the country, so that in 1770 there were 148 Lodges in London and 150 Provincial Lodges under the Grand Lodge (“Moderns). After this date there was a steady fall in the number of London “Modern” Lodges, so that in 1813 there were but 82, but the Provincial growth more than made up for this, as at that date there were no fewer than 280 Modern Lodges outside London. During this period the number of Lodges attached to the “Antients” grew everywhere, and in 1813 there were 61 London and 162 Provincial Lodges working under “Antient” warrants.

Mention must be made of a fourth Grand Lodge. A majority of the brethren of the Lodge of Antiquity No. 1 protested against the authority of the Grand Lodge (Moderns) and seceded from it in 1777. These brethren obtained a Charter from the Grand Lodge of All England at York in March 1770 to form themselves into a Grand Lodge, with the cumbersome title, “The Right Worshipful The grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of England, south of the River Trent”. This Grand Lodge, having constituted only two Lodges, collapsed for want of support in 1789, and the members of the Lodge of Antiquity – having made their submission to Grand Lodge- were allowed to rejoin their old Lodge, and to participate in Masonic functions generally. A circular letter from Grand Lodge naming the brethren who were thus re-instated is recorded in the minutes of our Lodge under the date of January 7th 1790.

        From the above general outline of Masonic activities in the eighteenth century it will be seen that the year 1767 was one in which Masonic matters were well to the fore in the circles where such speculations were valid. In that year six (or seven) brethren obtained a warrant from the Grand Lodge of England (Modern) to form a lodge of Freemasons at the Kings Head Tavern in Hampstead.

Of the fourteen London Lodges formed in 1767, four lived less than ten years, three less than fifteen, two lapsed at an unknown date and one survived until 1830. Today only St. John’s and three others remain. Our fellow survivors are the “Black Fryars Bridge” No. 383 (February 9th 1767) which became the Cadogan Lodge No.162 in 1836; it now meets at Pagani’s, Great Portland Street. “The Constitution” No 390 (April 11th 1767) which changed its name in 1770 to the “Lodge of Emulation” and ten years later united with the “Mourning Bush Lodge” No. 13, acquiring this number in the process. Today it is No. 21 meeting at 10 Duke Street, St. James’s. The “Sun and Punch Bowl” No. 394 (June 17th 1767), which became the “Lodge of Honor and Generosity” in 1789 and now bears the number 165, and now meets at the Freemason’s Hall.   

For the first 150 years of its life St. John’s met in Hampstead – in 1767 a far different Hampstead from that we know today. It was a small collection of detached mansions owned by great merchants and noblemen of London, with small cottages of dependents built haphazardly near them. The amenities of Hampstead, apart from its many public houses, were scant and it was not until 1774 that an Act was obtained for the lighting of the streets with oil lamps, the institution of a watchman and the establishment of a night patrol between Hampstead and London. In 1801 the population was but 4,343 in some 690 houses and there was virtually open country all the way to the present London and Marylebone Roads.

The dangers of the lonely journey to London at night were emphasised in 1787 when the Lodge sought a new Tyler, who being resident in London, would not accept the post unless provision was made for a bed after the Lodge meeting. In 1790 an item of expense at the Annual Feast was “1 Tyler’s Lodging. 2/-6d”:(12½p).

The Lodge was warranted as No. 401 on August 5th 1767 and held its first meeting on September 7th. For the first thirteen years it bore the name of its meeting place and was known as “The Kings Head Lodge”, becoming known as the St. John’s Lodge in 1782. Subsequently St. John’s was renumbered on six occasions, acquiring the present 167 in July 1863, (401-336-263-221-278-196). In 1822 a Royal Arch Chapter was established under the Warrant of St. John’s.

        It is believed that St John’s is one of the first – if not the first - to form a Lodge of Instruction, which it did in September 1768 after only 12 months in existence, duly recorded in the minute book for that meeting.

In those early days the Master was known as Right Worshipful Master. He was elected bi-annually and there was no installation ceremony. In the first 42 years the Lodge had only 9 Rt. Worshipful Masters and re-election appeared to be almost automatic. The only officers were Wardens, Treasurer, Secretary and Steward, the Deacons and Inner Guard not appearing until after the Union, when the title of Rt. Worshipful was abandoned in favour of the present Worshipful Master.

The office of Steward is defined in the early by-laws – “He shall receive and introduce to the Master and Brethren all such Brethren as shall be permitted to visit this Lodge, and shall act as Master of the Ceremonies and shall provide for and furnish the Master and Brethren with such refreshments as shall be deemed necessary or proper, and deliver tickets for same”. In 1777 Bro S.Crockett was “Presented with a slate and a wand as an emblem of his stewardship” and in 1801 is an item in the accounts “Paid for slate, 6d” (2½p), presumably these slates were used to enter the “orders” from the Brethren.

St. John’s did not enjoy a consecration ceremony such as is in use today, but is a “constituted” Lodge. The procedure was fairly simple in that the Lodge was visited by representatives of Grand Lodge who presented the Warrant and formally declared it “Duly Constituted”. The first Warrant of the Lodge was lost, but the Warrant of Confirmation issued in April 1824 is a most beautiful specimen of calligraphy and emblazoning and a highly prized possession. The jewels worn by the Master, I.P.M. and Treasurer are probably pre-Union origin, whilst those of the Deacons, Senior Warden and Chaplain were presented in 1821, 1853 and 1864 respectively.  The Lodge was initially limited to forty members and met every month of the year for 53 years. Meetings were reduced to nine in 1820, to four in 1834 and increased to five in 1845, six in 1863 and reduced to the present five in 1889.

During its life in Hampstead St. John’s met at most of the local hostelries and at times it is rather a pathetic story of no fixed meeting place. Then came a period of respectability with twelve years at the Long Room in Well Walk, which was the local Assembly hall in use for Balls and Card playing etc. Leaving here in July 1794 the Lodge met in October, November and December of that year at the Horse and Groom. Brief as was that sojourn, the next was even shorter for a single meeting was held, also in December, at the Yorkshire Grey. 1795 was a record year for moving and the Lodge furniture must have been a familiar sight in the streets of Hampstead as it was trundled from place to place. January and March of that year saw St John’s back at the Long Room, from April to October there was a return to the Yorkshire Grey and in November back once more to the Long Room for seven months. From here to the Lower Flask Tavern, for a stay of nine years, and in March 1805 a second period at the Horse and Groom for two years. Then came two meetings at the Black Boy and Still tavern, followed by the Holly Bush Tavern in April 1808 where the Lodge settled down for eighteen years. Six years followed at Jack Straws Castle with a return to the Holly Bush in September 1832 for a further twenty-nine years. 1886 saw the Lodge back at Jack Straws Castle and there it remained until the move to Freemasons hall in 1919. We remained there until September 1971 when we moved to the Royal Commonwealth Society, Northumberland Avenue until February 1980 when we moved on to the Great Eastern Hotel, Liverpool Street for two years, then to The Kingsliegh Hotel, Bloomsbury Way in May 1982 till April 2000 with a move to the Victory Services Club, Marble Arch until October 2001 when we moved to the Royal National Hotel, Bedford way where we still meet currently.

        The original by-laws contain much of interest and some Masters may have viewed with alarm – “And as it may unfortunately happen to be necessary to commence Suits relative to the Rights of this Lodge, it is hereby declared and agreed that the Master for the time being is and shall be possessed of the whole property of and belonging thereto for the Benefit of himself and all other members and every such Suit shall be in his name”. Nor was the amendment of July 1777 calculated to improve the position – “If any Persons shall molest the Lodge during Lodge hours, they shall be prosecuted by the Master”.

On the brighter side – “every member shall be allowed one shillings (5p) worth of such Liquor as he shall choose on each Lodge night, and if he drinks more he is to pay for the same from his own purse, nor shall any profane, immodest, political or religious discourse or any wagers be permitted in the Lodge, and if any member shall sell any benefit ticket of any kind whatsoever in the Lodge room he shall pay for every such offence 2/-6d  (12½p) to the Fund of the Lodge”.

Membership of St John’s averaged about 20 for the first fifty years, but from 1809 to 1816 the Lodge came perilously near to extinction. The minutes show no records of any meetings held, although someone made the usual returns and payments to Grand Lodge. This was very probably Bro. George Paxon (R.W.M. 1800-1809) who had carefully preserved the Lodge furniture during the period of stagnation. The meeting in September 1816 virtually saw the Lodge restarted. It was attended by only three members, one of whom was Bro. Paxon. The Tyler was also present, three visiting masons were elected joining members on the spot, one of whom immediately became Treasurer. The minutes of this fateful meeting state that “The minutes and proceedings of several former Lodges and also several meetings were read”, so that although there are no records in the official minute book for 1809/1816, it is apparent that the Lodge had made some attempts to carry on, but nevertheless St. John’s had nearly ceased to exist and the annual return for 1816 showed a strength of eight members. Four years later membership had risen to 34, but by 1832 it had dwindled to 11. There followed twelve years with an average of 13 before the Lodge one more began to make progress. The highest recorded membership was 77 in 1934 and today the figure remains fairly constant around 50.


Summons from 1898

In September 1869 and May 1871 St. John’s supported the petitions for two new Lodges, respectively the Great Northern (1287) and the Highgate (1366) and it is indeed pleasing that the Masters and brethren of both were present at the bi-centenary celebrations.

The centenary should have been celebrated in 1867, but it was not until October 1868 that a petition was sent for a centenary Warrant. This was granted and displayed at a meeting in February 1869 and in the following months elaborate plans were made for a meeting to be held on October 5th. The programme was –

The Lodge open at 2.00

Installation of Master 2.30

Brethren to form procession in Masonic Clothing at 3.30

Service at St John’s Church, Hampstead 4.00

Brethren to return in procession and close Lodge

Banquet at 6.30.

When the procession arrives at the Church door, the brethren will halt and divide right and left for the W.Master and Grand Officers to pass up the centre, followed by the brethren in inverted order until the whole have entered the Church when the brethren will take their seats in the Pews reserved for them.

After divine service the brethren will return in the same order. The order of the procession was Tyler, Visitors, Members, Inner Guard, Deacons, Wardens, I.P.M., Past Masters, Worshipful Master and Grand Officers.

Every member was entitled to introduce one brother at the expense of the Lodge, “and in consequence of this privilege, the Lodge shall forego the banquet in August”.

The plans were approved but permission to wear Masonic Clothing was not granted, the brethren contenting themselves with white gloves instead. At the centenary meeting on October 5th, 1869, 40 of the 54 members attended and there were 54 visitors.

        The minutes read “After Bro J.W.Baker had been installed in the presence of a board of 22 Installed Masters, the Lodge was “called off” and the procession formed to Church where the prayers were read by Bro. Re. R.J.Simpson, P.G.C. and the sermon preached by Bro Rev. C.Lee, chaplain of the Lodge. The music was under the discretion of Bro. Seymour Smith, the organist, who was assisted by “Musical Brethren” and a collection was made for the Hampstead Dispensary. The Brethren having returned to the Holly Bush Tavern, the Lodge was “called on” and votes of thanks passed to the Chaplains for the excellent manner in which they had performed their part in the service.

It is interesting to compare the somewhat belated centenary arrangements with those of the bi-centenary which were inaugurated as early as April 1966, but one common denominator unites them: both are vivid demonstrations of the esteem and affection in which St. John’s is held by its members and both occasions for pride in achieving first a century of continued existence and then to reach an even more outstanding milestone in our history. The bi-centenary celebration was held at Freemasons Hall and attended by 200 brethren, with Earl Cadogan, Deputy Grand Master, being the guest of honour from Grand Lodge.

When the Lodge moved to Freemasons Hall, the very fine furniture was loaned to the Braunton Lodge 5624 in Devon, where it is still in use by six or seven local Lodges at the Masonic hall. A very fine piece was the Masters Pedestal, called the Pedestal Altar of the style of the second half of the 18th century. It is made of a variety of woods with inlaid Masonic emblems on the front panel, carved cornices and solid Rosewood top being valued in 1817 at thirty Guineas.